The Wonders of Bohol Philippines

Maribojoc: The Elucidation of Hail-Fellow-Well-Met Community

Maribojoc: The Elucidation of Hail-Fellow-Well-Met Community


Warm-welcoming community, pure loving family. With alot of care and aplenty of amiable individuals. With firm relativity of social well-being and great camaraderie or fellowship. Presenting to you one of the most open-handed town in the province of Bohol, the Maribojoc. A all-in-one deluxe space for anybody. With fascinating and refreshing places like it has everything you need to live. As if, you’re not going to find any other place to find home. Also, the security and safety from any form of harm is undeniable for the peace and order is strictly implemented. Suitable to the people who want to start over with their family or loved ones. With hard but tender personality of residents awaiting you to register yourselves to be part of them as they welcome you with open-arm.

Considering the factors you will need to live in such space. The job opportunities, educational attainment, stable economy, satisfying community services, electricity, water, implementation of safetiness, the maintenance of cleanliness, and the minumum standard — the cheerful and approachable community.

Maribojoc, one of the 4th class municipality of Bohol.  It is known that the municipality occupies a land area of 6908 hectares or 17070  acres which is subdivided into 22 barangays namely: San Roque (Aghao), Agahay, Aliguay, Anislag, Bayacabac, Bood, Busao, Cabawan, Candavid, Dipatlong, Guiwanon, Jandig, Lagtangon, Lincod, Pagnitoan, Poblacion, Punsod, Punta Cruz, San Isidro, San Vicente, Tinibgan, and Toril. The  municipality is 12.3 kilometers or 7.64 miles away from Tagbilaran City. Which may take 21 minutes drive and 2.5 hours by walk.

Source: Mapcarta

The Maribojoc Municipal Hall also known as Maribojoc Presidencia is can be seen aside of the road leading to Tagbilaran City. Before it, you can find the town’s solitary plaza with its majestic garden and the monument of the Great and National Hero, Dr. Jose P. Rizal.

The main source of living in Maribojoc is fishing. Also, there are aplenty Barangay that you can choose and also decide your type of occupation. Maribojoc landarea was vast that you can hold farming on your choice. Another, the job opportunities in this town is rising as the community develops. Blue collar job and White-collar job is both rising with bolster from the good governance form the great leaders of the town. The tool for verbal communication is never been an issue to Filipinos as long as you are able to speak English. Actually, Filipinos study English as their second language. But the dialect of Tagala used in this town  was Cebuano with Boholano dialect.

The bay  area of Maribojoc was known and traditionally called “Dungguan” or quay, in English. The physical milieu of the place is intent for standby ships and boats. The name Maribojoc was came from the name Malabojoc which means “like hair”  which was referred by the native to the Agoho tree. Once upon a time, in Spaniards colonization era, there was a time when some spaniards came to Maribojoc and asked to the native what the place is called. As the native couldn’t catch up to the foreigner, the native replied Malabojoc as he thought that the foreigner is referring to the Agoho tree in queue on the quay.

Source: Facebook/NicosAnquilero

Maribojoc, like no other hometown in Bohol, composed of down-and-uptown glittery and conspicuous touristy. Discussing about safetiness  saftey of the town, presenting to you the Fort of Saint Vincent Ferrer or more commonly called as Punta Cruz Watchtower and Maribojoc Watchtower. This historical and gigantic watchtower protected the locals long ago way back colonization era from the Moro pirates from the South. The Punta WatchTower gained the interest by the many for being the “only perfect isosceles triangle” tower-fort with castle-like structure in Philippines.It is made of coral stone intertwined to a hexagonal extension or dos andanas or second floor. It was built under Augustinian Recollect Reverence Fr. Manuel Sanchez de Nuestra Sra. del Tremendal and was complete by 1976. The aforementioned pillar is dedicated to the devoted patron of Maribojoc, San Vicente Ferrer, under the patronage of the Holy Cross. The people of Marobojoc believe that they are defended from the attack of Moro pirates. Unfortunately, wayback 2013, a 7.2 magnitude earthquake hit the town and the Maribojoc Tower is one of the affected property of Maribojoc. However, it was renovated after the earthquake to keep  the memory and high iconic symbolization of Maribojoc.  The watchtower is situated at Barangay Rd, Maribojoc, Bohol. It has the distance of 7.2 kilometers or 4.5 miles which may 12 minutes by ride and 1 hour and 30 minutes by walk.

Source: Bohol Island Tours (Punta Cruz Watchtower before M7.2 Earthquake 2013)

Source : Wikipedia (Restored Punta Cruz Watchtower)

Maribojoc Church. Most of the people living in Maribojoc were Roman Catholic. Featuring you the Santa Cruz Parish Church or Holy Cross Larish Church of Maribojoc, Bohol. It is also popular with its locality name, Maribojoc Church. Indeed, Maribojoc Church is a true asset of Maribojoc. Maribojoc Church was first recognized by the Jesuists in 1767-1768 with Fr. Juan Soriano as its first parish priest. The church was built in 1852 and finished by 1872 under Fr. Rev. Manuel Plaza. Literally, it takes two decades on progress for the church to complete. Later on 2005, it was declared by the diocese as the Diocesan Shrine of San Vicente Ferrer. It was also declared a Natinal Cultural Treasure by the National Museum of the Philippines and National Historical Landmark by the National Commision of the Philippines. By those moments, without a doubt, the Maribojoc Church, pride from Maribojoc in different sectors, on tourism and theology. It was believe that the church protects the people of Maribojoc in any form of harm. Unfortunately, the church may survived aplenty and a vary types of disaster through two centuries however, it didn’t survive the intense of the 7.2 magnitude earthquake, wayback 2013. The whole church was broke into pieces leaving the only image of the Sacred Heart of Jesus remained standing in the façade of the church. It had declared as totally destroyed but — now, gloomy no more. It has been renovated and revivify by the Diocese of Tagbilaran along with all other destroyed churches of Bohol. The reopening of the church was already implemented by December 2021. You can now visit or revisit the church and feel the revived life, grace and miracle of Christ.

Source: National Museum Bohol (Before the earthquake)


Source : National Museum Bohol (After the earthquake)

Source:  (Restoration)

The PNP Organization. What is PNP Attest yourself the effectiveness of the Maribojoc PNP Organization (Maribojoc Philippine National Police Organization) as you experience to visit the town. First activity that you might encounter during your destinantion to Maribojoc is The PNP Checkpoint. This activity is to maintain the safetiness safety of the residents in terms of having tragedious accident such as road crash. If ever you are riding motorcycle, better to keep in mind to wear helmet to avoid the fine  violence.Because if you’re caught, you’ll be force to pay the fine or penalty.  This was ordered to make the residents to obey the regulations and to avoid severe damage to the person involved incase of emergency.

Source : Maribojoc Police Station

Another interesting activity is when the whole community including the PNP Organization join the bayanihan or ‘helping one another activity’. They pick garbages garbage at the edge of the roads. This literally proves that the residents of the town possess a great love towards nature and their environment. And, the story is not end yet, another activity engaging to nature, they proposed and act the tree planting activity. Through love and desire, small action for outrageous matter, simply contribute to the community’s progress.

Source: Maribojoc Police Station

Another, heart-warming activity, when the PNP Organization join the teachers to conduct the Brigada Pagbasa Program or “Learn to Read Program” for Elementary students. Another good seeing event qas as when the PNP Organization gave a pair of slippers to the youngs. This events literally prove that each of individuals was full of care and concern to each residents. The extraordinary programs and the love of people to serve one another was remain normal and habitual to the place.

Source: Maribojoc Police Station

Also, PNP Organization implements a Symposium raising awareness to the residents about the effects of drugs to the users. How it may affect our lives and future. Enlighten the people how beautiful is life and should not be wasted. Also, PNP Organization conducts Symposium regarding to terrorism. Conveying the residents to never join any terrorist group. This meeting was done for keeping the town safe from terrorist attack.


Source: Maribojoc PS


In case of emergency, don’t bother to come to Maribojoc Police Station. Their passion to serve people will never fail you. It is 2 km or 1.24 miles away from Maribojoc Municipal Hall which may take 5 minutes drive and 23 minutes walk. You may also contact them at their hotline:

The town named Maribojoc was once Malabojoc. With very comfortable and undeniably harmless environment. For such a harbor protected by the love of service from the authorities. With full of approachable and sociable community. For every migrant and vacationist, attest it yourself for you to feel the definition of love for family. To be loved and care by the most. A place where you can find your true you. Feel yourself at home because this can be your new home. It is more fun in the Philippines, and when you’re with Filipino, you’re with family.

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