The Wonders of Bohol Philippines

MABINI: A Fantastic Community in Bohol

MABINI: A Fantastic Community in Bohol

Mabini is a fantastic community in Bohol. This town has fully cemented roads, captivating high hills with panoramic views, and abundant sources of seafood such as fish, shrimp, crabs, and many more. The abundance of mangroves is also present in this town, and the vastness of its agricultural areas as well as the fertility of its soil are fantastic. The residents have wide areas of vegetables and other plantations of root crops. Peace and order are effectively implemented in the town. The residents of Mabini are well-disciplined and approachable, causing you to enjoy yourself while staying there.

To know more about the humble town of Mabini, keep reading as we explore this fantastic community.

Fully Cemented Roads

                                                  Source:                                                                                                           Photo credits: Moto Red

In Bohol, the La Union-Mabini-Ubay National Road has already been completely cemented. Road conditions are well-maintained by government employees. Despite its zigzag-like road in some barangays, you can notice that their road is fully paved. Thus, visitors loved exploring the town’s various attractions because the roads were easy to drive on.  Here, traveling by car or any mode of transportation is less complicated and stressful, making it possible to visit many Mabini locations. Compared to other mountain communities, Mabini’s roadways are well-constructed. Thus, you can do road trips or visit the attractions of Mabini easily, especially the captivating high hills with panoramic views of the town.

Captivating High Hills with Panoramic Views

                       Photo credits: oscarbcorona                                                                                                                  Source:

Photo credits: oscarbcorona                                                                                                              Photo credits: Moto Red

Mabini is not just an ordinary place. Like Alicia, its neighboring town, Mabini also has tall hills with expansive views, but few tourists are aware of them. Due to its high elevation and the arrangement of the natural features of the area, this town has numerous mountainous ranges. You can’t expect that there are still some mounds that resemble chocolate hills in the coastal regions. These kinds of attractions exist in the town of Mabini. They are easily identifiable because they feature grass instead of trees on their tops. These panoramic high mountain views and lush forests continue to be the most talked-about wonders of this community. Thus, the residents are blessed with these mountainous ranges and wonderful sceneries because they don’t need to go far places just to see these kinds of attractions. If they feel stressed, they can easily visit these two amazing views that the other towns don’t have.

Mt. Labawan and Mt. Haboog are living proof that Mabini in Bohol is one of the competitive towns in terms of high hills and panoramic views. The majestic route and exquisite vegetation of Mount Labawan, which is a single continuous mountain, are breathtaking. You can chill here while breathing the cool, fresh air at the top of the mountain. As a result, it will undoubtedly meet or exceed your expectations of a mountain worth climbing. You can visit this mountain at San Roque, Mabini, Bohol. On the other hand, the famed Bohol Chocolate Hills are represented by the lonesome Mt. Haboog. This unique mountain is located at Lungsodaan, Mabini. It is made of limestone, and it forms a stunning karst landscape that leads to Bawangan Mountain. Thus, if you are a hiker as well as eager to see this kind of attraction, this town can cater to all that you want. I know that some people are not yet familiar with these two captivating mountains of Mabini because they think that this town has nothing to show off. However, they failed to discover these kinds of tremendous scenes. These mountains are some of the hidden gems of Mabini. Thus, the residents are blessed with these attractions. If you visit here, it will surely satisfy your day! You can do a picnic or go camping with friends and loved ones, bringing some foods like the deliciously cooked seafood of Mabini.

The abundance of Seafood and Mud Crabs in Mangroves

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Source: Geemiz

If you reside in this area, you can taste a variety of seafood that will undoubtedly satisfy your hunger.  As other people think, Mabini is not a mere location. This place is full of abundance. As a coastal town in Bohol, it is known as the home of seafood. Due to this, fishing is the main source of livelihood for the residents. You’ll see that a lot of seaside families are involved in the production of dried fish, which indicates that the abundance of fish in the town is more than they can consume. There are also shrimp, squid, seaweed, and other delicious seafood that is harvested and collected by the residents. It would be impossible to be hungry if you were a resident here because seafood is abundantly obtained in this place. You can easily scoop the fresh fish from the nearby sea and display it on your table. You can also buy different seafood in the public market for reasonable prices. Aside from that, the prices of some commodities are also reasonable, making this town an ideal place to live!








Aside from seafood, Mabini is a well-known source of mud crabs because of the number of mangroves in the area. Knowing that the price of crabs in other markets is expensive, it won’t be a problem for residents. Here in Mabini, Bohol, you can easily find mud crabs and try their delicious taste when cooked. It will satisfy you when you taste it. Mud crabs have a unique flavor as compared to sea crabs. Since mangroves flank the municipal shoreline, it would be easy for residents to catch mud crabs, which are abundantly hiding in this area. Aside from supplying resources like fish, mangroves also boost livelihoods and lessen social vulnerability. This wide plantation in the town has various benefits for people. These mangroves can safeguard coasts by lowering the chance of erosion and flooding. As a result, this town is not a flood-prone area as compared to others. Aside from mangroves, the vastness of agricultural areas is also present in Mabini due to the high fertility of its soil.














                                                        Sources: Lungsodaan Official Website and Moto Red

The Vastness of agricultural areas and the fertility of their soil 

Mabini’s residents can provide you with a variety of advantages. Together with a sizable mangrove region, the town also has a sizable amount of agricultural land. They can prove to others that, despite the town’s location along the shore, it is still possible to make a name for their town by promoting agriculture and mangrove preservation. Rice and coconut account for over 76% of the crops grown in crop production areas. On the other hand, the remaining areas in the uplands are used by the residents for the cultivation of grain, sweet potato, taro, cassava, vegetables, and other minor crops.

Indeed, the size of its agricultural lands and the soil’s fertility are outstanding and admirable.
The early settlers’ farming activities helped Mabini’s agricultural sector flourish quickly. There are also second-growth woodland and Molave trees found on several hills found in Barangays Marcelo and Tambo of Mabini. A sizable portion of the municipality is also covered with grassland, which is typically used as a grazing place for cattle and other livestock.

Mabini is a wonderful community. The locals are committed to their work. The well-maintained mangrove ecosystems have numerous advantages for both people and the environment, as well as their abundant agricultural lands serve as their solid basis to develop their town and create a stronger neighborhood free from conflicts, violence, and even crimes.

Peace and Order are Effectively Implemented

                                                                                                                         Source: Mabini PNP Station

In the town of Mabini, peace and order are effectively implemented. Police and other security officials are very active in Mabini. They made sure that the residents as well as the visitors could feel secure while staying in this town. It is their mission to uphold the general welfare of Mabini constituents. They are willing to offer fundamentally good services to the community. Thus, it is also observable that Mabini is a cohesive and peace-loving neighborhood.

According to some tourists, they noticed that there are no delinquent teenagers or old alike. They felt secure while staying at this place. They were motivated to go back and visit here in Mabini if chance permits. Hence, it only proves that Mabini is one of the ideal places in Bohol. It also suggests that this town is safe and has a low crime rate because if this place is unsecure, tourists will not be eager to visit again. However, most of the reviews coming from the tourists are good and positive. Thus, you can feel comfortable while staying there. This community is safe. Also, there’s nothing to worry about because the residents are well-respected and disciplined. They are also approachable and friendly to visitors.

The residents are well-disciplined and approachable

                                                                                                                 Source:  Lungsodaan, Mabini Page

The people of Mabini are well-disciplined and approachable. You can observe it in their well-organized community. When you go there, the residents value their visitors.  They will entertain you and assist you all the time. They don’t only do it to captivate more tourists; they also do it because they are aware that it is morally correct and it helps them become better citizens. Spreading goodness and positivity is what the residents aim for in the community. If you’re staying in this town and you need something else, you can easily approach the people or your neighbors. They’re willing to accommodate you. Thus, some tourists who have already visited this place said that they love this town. They were amazed upon interacting with the residents. They felt comfortable and safe since they knew that the people around them are well-respected and always watch out for them.


Mabini is not an ordinary town. This place is full of surprises, from the abundance of seafood to the vastness of its agricultural areas. You can enjoy doing road trips in this town because their roads are fully paved. Wide areas of mangroves will welcome you along the shoreline of the town. You can feel comfortable while staying at this town since peace and order are effectively implemented in their community. You can easily build a good connection with the residents since they are disciplined and approachable. Indeed, Mabini is a fantastic community!



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