The Wonders of Bohol Philippines

Davao City in the Land of Promise

Davao City in the Land of Promise

Are you one of those many who visited the small country of the Philippines? By chance, are you one of those who have considered migrating to a tropical country and then want to enjoy its long summer weather? Well, the Philippines is the best choice for you.

Perhaps you are now considering where in the Philippines might be the ideal location for you to reside or spend your vacation. Continue to read and find that place in the Land of Promise.

Let’s first get to know the Philippines, also referred to as the Republic of the Philippines. The country is in southeast Asia’s archipelago; it has about 7,641 islands and is situated in the western Pacific Ocean. From north to south, these islands are essentially divided into three major groups of islands namely Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao. Davao City is situated on the large island of Mindanao, known as the “Land of Promise”. Its name recognizes the region’s tremendous potential for both its people and natural resources. Mindanao is crucial to the Philippine economy since it contains major natural resources and is one of the greatest agricultural regions in the country. The Philippines currently has 146 cities, 33 of which are considered to be highly urbanized and 108 are component cities. (Philippines Biodiversity Management Bureau, 2023).

Out of the 146 Philippines’ official cities, Davao City is the ideal place for you to live. Here are the following reasons why:

  1. Safe Environment

A city must have low crime rates and efficient public safety measures in order for residents to live in peace and safety. Being named fifth among the top 10 safest cities in the world back in 2015 is something Davao City can be proud of. According to one of the papers available online, Davao City is also ranked as the safest city in the Philippines.

Former President Rodrigo Roa Duterte is famous for his line, “Try to walk on Davao City’s sidewalk at midnight, and if nothing happens to you, that is what it means to be a safe city. That is Davao City for you.” For over 22 years, former President Rodrigo Roa Duterte has governed Davao City as the city mayor, turning a once crime-ridden city into a peaceful and investor-friendly city. Which later led him to become the 16th President of the Philippines. He is the only one in Philippine history to become president after being a city mayor. Even after becoming president, many still address him as mayor.


  1. Access to Basic Needs

For a comfortable existence, a city that offers simple access to necessities like food, water, electricity, shelter, healthcare, and education is crucial. Davao City has it all for you. The city government implemented various means of accumulation of its people’s basic needs, ensuring that its residents have access to essential services and basic necessities.

Food security: To guarantee that its citizens have access to enough food that is also nutritious, the municipal government has put in place a number of initiatives and programs. One example is the creation of public markets and food terminals that provide customers with fresh products at reasonable prices.



Healthcare concerns: Several governmental and private hospitals, as well as health clinics, serve the citizens of Davao City by offering medical care. To promote preventative health measures including vaccination and sanitation, the local government has also started health programs and campaigns.

Education: The government has made investments in the field of education and offers free education to its citizens in public schools. Davao City is also home to a number of schools and universities that provide a wide range of academic programs.

Water supply and sanitation: The city government has implemented programs to ensure access to clean and potable water for its residents. The city has also established a sewerage and sanitation system to improve the sanitation and hygiene of its communities.

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  1. Environmental Sustainability

Perhaps you are one of the individuals advocating for environmental protection; if so, Davao City is the location and your partner in this cause. The community at large is being encouraged to adopt sustainable behaviors by the city government through various initiatives and programs. These programs show how dedicated Davao City is to encourage environmental sustainability and safeguarding the city’s natural resources for upcoming generations.

A Materials Recovery Facility (MRF) is a part of the city’s total solid waste management system that separates trash for composting or recycling. A number of areas in Davao City have also been designated as green spaces, including parks, gardens, and streets with tree-lined medians, which help to reduce the impact of the urban heat island effect and air pollution.

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To lessen its reliance on fossil fuels and cut down on greenhouse gas emissions, Davao City is looking into the utilization of renewable energy sources, including solar and wind power. In order to promote sustainable transportation, the city has put in place initiatives including a bike-sharing program, projects to increase pedestrian traffic, and the usage of electric automobiles.

  1. Economic Growth

Many tourists are actually potential future investors. Before making an investment, investors take into account a variety of factors, one of which is the city’s economic development because it can have a significant impact on the performance and prospective returns of the investment. The economy of Davao City has greatly expanded recently. It is actually recognized as one of the Philippines urban areas with the fastest growth. It has been named one of the most livable cities in the Philippines thanks to its excellent infrastructure, regulations, and order, as well as its welcoming business environment. In the upcoming years, it is projected that this tendency will persist.

  1. Infrastructure

Under the Duterte presidency, Davao’s infrastructure development showed evidence of growth and enhancement. During the Build, Build, Build program, the government has been concentrating on enhancing the infrastructure in the Philippines, and Davao City has benefited from this initiative.

By facilitating greater access to basic services like water supply and better transportation and connectivity, these infrastructure projects are anticipated to raise the standard of living in Davao City. Additionally, they are anticipated to encourage the city’s economic development by drawing more investments and generating more employment possibilities.


Some of the infrastructure projects in Davao City that have been finished or are currently being worked on include the following:

The Davao City Bypass Road is a 45-kilometer-long road project that has the country’s first long-distance mountain tunnel—designed to provide vehicles with another option and reduce congestion in the city’s center.

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Davao International Airport – is undergoing redevelopment, which will increase capacity for passengers and flights by extending the runway and improving the airport’s amenities.

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Coastal Road Project – a 20-kilometer road project with the aim of improving accessibility and integrating Davao City’s several coastal barangays.

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Davao City Bulk Water Supply Project – a project whose goal is to give the residents of Davao City a reliable and sustainable water supply.



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  1. Diversity and Inclusivity

The inclusivity and friendly attitude it has toward individuals of many backgrounds, ethnicities, and religions is another feature that makes Davao City a great place to live. This quality builds a feeling of community and encourages social cohesiveness.




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Even if you arrived alone, living in Davao City as a foreigner won’t make you feel lonely. You can anticipate a warm welcome the moment you step foot in Davao City because the city is famed for its kind inhabitants.


You won’t have any trouble touring the area or locating the locations you need to see because the locals are incredibly helpful. You may always ask them for advice on the finest locations to eat, buy, or go out, or for directions.

  1. 7. Language

Communication won’t be a problem for you when you visit the Philippines because English is one of their official languages, making it simple for visitors from other countries to get by and fit in.

These are only a handful of the many aspects that contribute to Davao City’s appeal as an ideal residence or a place to spend a vacation. Individuals may have different preferences, but a combination of these qualities can result in a well-rounded and appealing living space. That is Davao City for you, in the land of promise (Mindanao).

But we don’t just end there. Aside from those facts about Davao’s featured characteristics that make it the ideal place to live, I have here some bonus features that Davao City has.

Living in Davao City gives you quick access to some of the world’s most breathtaking beaches. You can visit Samal Island and take advantage of its white sand beaches, crystal-clear waters, and lush vegetation, or you can go diving or snorkeling in the Davao Gulf. Dahican Beach, Kaputian Beach, Canibad Beach, and Gumasa Beach are just a few of the fantastic beaches near Davao City.

Samal Island, Philippines

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Dahican Beach – Davao Oriental, Philippines

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Guma sa Beach – Sarangani Province, Philippines

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