The Wonders of Bohol Philippines

Garcia Hernandez: An Abode of Blindside Treasures

Garcia Hernandez: An Abode of Blindside Treasures

Garcia Hernandez is a booming town lying halfway between the town of Valencia and the port town of Jagna along the southern coast of Bohol. The town of Garcia Hernandez has its share of God’s special providence, both natural and man-made. This town boasts a coastal road that is entirely cemented and offers stunning views of the cliffs, shorelines, and ocean. The town is blessed with springs and caverns with underground streams in addition to the mountains and undulating hills covered in rice fields. Because the Bohol Limestone Plant is situated in this town, mining also plays a significant role in the locality of Garcia Hernandez. The spiritual influences of the conquering Spaniards in the earliest times have shaped the deeply religious beliefs of the people who live in Garcia Hernandez. According to the towns’ LGU  peace and order have been effectively managed to maintain a well-structured and balanced community free of danger and any discordancy.

To learn further about what to anticipate in this town, continue reading as I take you on a stint of the limestone country of Bohol-Garcia Hernandez.


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In Bohol, the Ubay-Garcia Hernandez-Tagbilaran City National Road has already undergone full cementing. Garcia Hernandez’s coastal road has been well maintained by government workers. The coastal route provides a scenic view of the ocean, shorelines, and cliffs. Taking in the natural splendor was one of the reasons callers adored exploring the small town and taking a road trip stint. Traveling by any form of land transportation is significantly doable due to the town’s stress-free and straightforward roadways. It’ll be affable and pleasurable to arrive then with friends and family, especially when you explore further of the town’s immolation, similarly to its stimulating springs and stunning natural caverns with a magnificent view.

Refreshing Springs and Natural Caves with a Magnificent View

The community of Garcia Hernandez has served a multitude of natural attractions. The most well-known is Roxas Park, previously the President Manuel A. Roxas Campsite. Provincial boy and girl scouts of the Philippines National Encampment regularly use it as a campground. The campsite has also long been a favorite spot for yearly spiritual retreats and gatherings, in line with pools that get their water from a nearby spring that gushes out from the surrounding rocks. The province of Bohol recently created the park as a component of Garcia Hernandez’s “One Town, One Product” (OTP) project. A whole day can be spent enjoying the slide, the diving board, and the cool spring water. The park is girdled by mahogany trees, lush greenery, and a wide range of animals. The park’s cool and peaceful ambiance is what inspired the locals to call it “Maambong,” which directly translates to “ambient.”


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The Tambuko Cave in Barangay Cagwang is another intriguing spot to visit in Garcia Hernandez. Here, you can have a picnic or go swimming in the cool lagoon water. It is one of the town’s numerous wonders. This open lagoon and underground watercourse are sustainable for bamboo rafting and swimming. Stalactites and stalagmites of all shapes and sizes abound in the cave.  Your adventure as well as relaxation, this cave is the best place for you.


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Garcia Hernandez is a not just a town rich in fascinating springs and natural caverns with an affable view; it is also a town with an abundance of limestone minerals. Because of this, Garcia Hernandez is sometimes referred to as “Limestone Country” in Bohol.

The Abundance of Limestone Minerals



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Garcia Hernandez is the only town in Bohol that holds a limestone plant. The Bohol Limestone Plant is situated in this area. The vacuity of roughly 400 million tons of limestone mineral reserve is assured by this abundant deposit. This plant is in operation to meet the rising demand for limestone ore for sintering in the country as well as in other countries. Because the community is an element of the company’s entire program, community development operation plays an important part in this type of mining. Zero accidents have been reported in the three million man-hour operations that have taken place. In addition to having abundant limestone deposits that would last for generations, this eastern town also has agrarian assets that would provide a livelihood for the residents of the town.


Agricultural assets that provide a livelihood for the residents of the town


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The primary agricultural products in the town of Garcia Hernandez are rice and corn. The crops, fruits, and vegetables that have been harvested are merely evidence of the diligent farming practices in Bohol.  More so, you’ll be captivated by the breathtaking beauty of verdant rice fields that stretch into the distance and alternate with hills dotted with tropical vegetation. Rice fields is famous among tourists who love to explore the beauty of nature. In order for farmers to grow crops and improve their standard of living, one of their top priority is preserving the natural view.


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The vastness of agricultural land areas in Garcia Hernandez has been essential for the livelihood of the residents in the town. In Garcia Hernandez, many people considered farming a means of subsistence. Because of the products they have gathered from harvesting every season, the locals are committed to doing the work.

Moreover, Garcia Hernandez is an awesome town. The agricultural assets it provides to the residents are merely evidence of its superiority as a town.  From the perspective of the people, the assets only prove how the town of Garcia Hernandez managed to sustain the town’s development and progress, and it is also because the town provides a well-structured and balanced community free of danger and any discordancy spelling???.

Peace and Order are Effectively Implemented

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In the town of Garcia Hernandez, peace and order are effectively implemented. In order to maintain political stability, social order, and economic development, the town’s peace and order management is an essential component. It is said that many facets of human activity are facilitated when peace and order are present in our community. As a function of government, the LGU of Garcia Hernandez was mandated to enforce the law and maintain peace and order in accordance with state policy and the Constitution, which states that maintaining peace and order and the protection of life and liberty are the main goals of the town.

The town’s good governance makes these outcomes possible. Thus, how people hold their respective positions in the town is the foundation for good governance. These aspects are highly affected by the religious inhabitants of Garcia Hernandez, who make the community more resilient and well-managed. This town offers the services necessary to ensure a safe and peaceful environment for its residents and for all who traverse the town.

The Religious Inhabitants of Garcia Hernandez

Religious practices have been passed down through the ages and are still practiced today. The St. John the Baptist Garcia Hernandez Church, a heritage site, was constructed in 1880 and completed in 1896. The church is named after St. John the Baptist, whose feast day is celebrated annually on the 24th of June with much fanfare. This church has a separate belfry to the side. The interior of the church features a high, curved ceiling supported by several pillars. The windows, especially the one facing the street, have stained glass.

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Cogon, West Ulbujan, is home to the Lady of All Nations Shrine, also known as “Senora Sa Tanang Nasud.” The Couples for Christ of Garcia Hernandez, a religious group, are said to have helped build the shrine, which has been on a hill since the early 20th century. Up until this point, the shrine has been a great place where a group of people can hold retreats and recollections. The area is surrounded by a lovely landscape of ornamental plant, an idyllic spot for contemplation and prayer.

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Because of their religious upbringing, the residents of this town are far too devoted to one God. They’ve been serving and dedicating their lives to pure goodness, as their beliefs say.  People in this town were more accommodating and jovial. With fantastic experiences and hospitable people, visiting this modest town in Bohol will no longer be difficult; everyone will undoubtedly enjoy it.

Residents of the town are welcoming and accommodating

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The people of Garcia Hernandez are welcoming and accommodating. Every time you come to this location in Bohol, you can witness such an act. The locals truly care about the visitor and want to make them feel at ease. Garcia Hernandez residents adored interacting with tourists who came to visit this town in Bohol. They managed to overcome the differences and disagreements of individuals in order to promote a harmonious relationship with each other. Moreover, this town is committed to preserving the town’s quality of life and living.

Final Thought

Garcia Hernandez, a town in Bohol, is truly wonderful.  From the refreshing springs and natural caverns to the agricultural assets that provide locals with a means of subsistence, this location is full of surprises. The fully cemented road offers a picturesque view of nature. The abundance of limestone minerals has satisfied the country needs up until this point. Because it maintains peace and order, you will undoubtedly enjoy this town. The people who live in this town are warm and hospitable, making it easy to get to know them.  And so, Garcia Hernandez is an abode of blindside treasures.







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